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created dashboard. just a microblog page since i sometimes don't have entries that turn into full fledge essays.
8/19/2024 created the archive page. not yet fully finished but now you can see the how picky i was with my past sites/pages.
8/17/2024 redid the newsletter page to be more simple like my bookmarks and graphics page since i thought it had too much going on lol...
8/15/2024 remastered the webmaster page! had so much fun coding it lol.
8/7/2024 created graphics page. ill add more stuff to it later.
8/3/2024 created bookmarks page (originally was the upcoming links page). was going to have graphics on there but thought id make a seperate page for that graphics.
8/1/2024 remastered the medialog page because ive been neglecting it for too long.
JULY 2024
7/25/2024 finished the newsletter page! layout was really fun to do too. now i have somewhere to post updates in full detail if anybody cares.
7/24/2024 NEW MUSIC PAGE THEME!!! im very björk brained rn so im on a roll with these music page themes dedicated to her. ALSO I FINALLY PUT THE FEATURE SECTION TO USE LOL.
7/17/2024 I AM BACK! and i have returned with a lot of changes. firstly, site name has been changed to whirlwind. i updated the index page, main page, and the sitemap - with a new page newsletter i have yet to make. a lot of stuff will be broken since the site name change, but i am combing through the site fixing errors as WE SPEAK. OH, and i also added new site neighbors to main.
APRIL 2024
4/19/2024 remastered my photos page cause i have too much time on my hands.
4/17/2024 I GOT A RSS FEED LOL!! click the little icon on the top left for it :-). i also updated my webamp playlist to 15 songs just for fun.
4/9/2024 remastered my blog page!! added repository outlink, new page link archive, and added my clap tag on the main page.
MARCH 2024
3/31/2024 ...reverted my site back LOL, sorry i love this layout too much and i dont think im ever gonna change it drastically. currently getting all the pages back as we speak!!!
3/3/2024 redid my entire about me page.
2/19/2024 finally made my resource page. a big wip though, my back hurts BIG TIME.
2/6/2024 trying to be motivated to do things right now, so i re-did my whole music page layout with a diffrent theme (inspired by my one of my favorite albums evurrr).
1/26/2024 took a little break, but im back for a while!!! i added my shrines page with some shrines that are heavily unfinished.
12/16/2023 added the photos page! had a lot of fun coding it since i been wanting to use orange for a while. WOO finally finished the personal section in the navigationnn, just 5 more pages to go...
12/10/2023 okaaay kinda corny but i finished my wife page!! a little page dedicated to h♡r because its my site and i get to do what i want lollll. i also added some more neighbors so please check them out!
11/29/2023 added the medialog page guysss!!! aaugh been excited to do that one. still a work in progress though! i plan to start logging media when 2024 drops so stay tuned if you want :-).
11/25/2023 added my music page! not fully finished but will be soon. also added some more neighboring sites on the main page.
11/16/2023 rehauled the blog page a bit and made my first blog post. added many neighbors in the site section on the main page (pls check them out pls pls pl-).
11/9/2023 not much has changed but adding favicons and a sitemap.
11/7/2023 added my blog finally! i also added a refresh button in the updates since iframes tend to not reload for some reason.
11/4/2023 hello! this is nork2004, a big refresh from my old site. wanted to make it to where it holds everything i want. i added index, the main page, and my about me page.